Les mélanges élastomères de la gamme RUBBERFLOW® peuvent être utilisés pour des fonctions d’étanchéité à différents niveaux :
. Vannes d’amont
. Vannes de fond
. Batardeaux
. Défenses de quai
. Clapet
. Bateau-porte
. Bajoyer
.Vannes secteur
.Vantaux d’écluse
Durch die Rückproduktion von Altkühlgeräten in useren “urbanen Bergwerken” entstehen die hochwertigen, nachhaltigen, post consumer ECO Regranulate ABS und Polystyrol (PS).
Zylinderrollen für Micro-Linearführung und Medizinaltechnik
Das grosse Knowhow zur Herstellung von ultrapräzisen Micro-Zylinderrollen ist eine der Stärken der Adam Schleiftechnik AG. Diese Highend-Rollen finden in der Micro-Linearführung und Medizinal-Technik ihre Anwendung.
Rollen mit Durchmesser von ø0.8 – ø3.0 mm verfügen über eine einzigartige Qualität in Rundheit und Zylinderform. Massgenauigkeiten von kleiner als 0.00025mm sind standard.
Hublet vous accompagne dans le démantèlement et la collecte d'amiante liée sur votre chantier.
Vous avez découvert de l'amiante sur votre chantier? Hublet peut vous aider dans l' identification du type d'amiante présente, son démantèlement et sa collecte.
Nous disposons des autorisations nécessaires pour la collecte d'amiante liée (asbeste ciment, de type "Eternit") et nous pouvons vous fournir les big bags adéquats. Nous mettons également à votre disposition la possibilité de louer des containers pour la collecte d'amiante.
Tomato purée (or passata) is a very versatile ingredient, and one of the fundamental foods used to make many Made in Italy recipes, as well as many others, from pasta sauces to the basic condiments for pizzas, as well as being used in various meat-based main courses or vegetarian dishes. It is made exclusively from fresh tomatoes, and only high-quality, whole products are used, not waste from other processes, such as peeled tomatoes, which are instead recovered in the production of concentrates.
Tomato purée can be defined as the juice or pulp of concentrated tomatoes without skin or seeds and is the result of a cold or hot extraction method whose resulting raw material is then thickened in evaporators.
Carefully selecting the tomatoes used in the production of passata is crucial, as it can affect the quality and durability of the finished product. The selection criteria include ripeness and the absence of imperfections and defects. Deep red, ripe tomatoes with a higher
IKOI’s Prime Refining Unit is the result of ten years of experience in metal vacuum distillation. The technology is based on the physical principle of evaporation.
It is a revolutionary green technology that can pre-refine precious metals without using acids or chemicals.
This plant is specifically designed for small and medium refiners who need flexible, fast and sustainable way to process a variety of feedstocks, including dore bars, jewellery scraps and industrial waste with precious metal content.
Prime Refining Unit removes silver and volatile elements from Au/Ag/Cu alloys using vacuum distillation technology.
The exceptional capabilities are essential to reduce silver content on Au/Ag/Cu alloys without any chemicals and without any
In this way, the alloy can be easily dissolved in a traditional Aqua Regia process or refined using gold electrolysis.
Cane sugar is produced by means of technologies rather similar to those used in a beet sugar plant that are also fully mastered by DSEC.
Sugar cane is however a totally different plant compared to sugar beet: whereas sugar beet is sowed and can be harvested after +/- 6 months, cane takes longer to grow but grows back after it has been cut and can therefore be harvested several consecutive years (4 to 6) before being replanted. Cane can be cut either manually or mechanically before being directly processed in the mill. Cane plantation location in relation of the plant is of paramount importance so as to reduce sugar losses by the degradation of the plant after cutting as well as to minimize logistic costs.
DSEC will select the most appropriate methodology for extracting the juice from the cane after its first shredding. The extraction operation will be performed using mill tandem or cane diffusion while additional mills will press the residual solid (bagasse) in order to increase its fiber content while additional mills will press the residual solid (bagasse) in order to increase its fiber content. Pressed bagasse will be used as fuel for the plant combined heat and power generation that will generally export electricity on the public grid. The choice between mill tandem and diffuser will be highly dependent on plant capacity, cane characteristics, expected extraction performances and plant general concept.
Le Lubriclean EP est un solvant "vert" issu de la chimie végétale. Le Lubriclean EP est certifié sans chlore, sans aromatiques et sans COV (composés organiques volatils). Après application sur des surfaces à nettoyer, le LUBRICLEAN EP s'évapore lentement à température ambiante et laisse un fin film Huileux aux propriétés de pression extrême. Le film est facilement émulsifiable avec de l'eau si un dégraissage complet est nécessaire.
Lubriclean EP récurent et nettoient, lors de la marche sous de lourdes charges, les surfaces métalliques sales recouvertes d'hydrocarbures et de résidus de coke d'essence comme la laque calcinée
Chaînes de toutes tailles.
Engrenages ouverts.
Câbles et crémaillères d'engrenages.
Le LUBRICLEAN EP peut être utilisé au moyen d'un pistolet à pression moyenne sur les pièces métalliques qui doivent être traitées dans une plage de température de 20 à 80°C.